Sun 17 Oct 2010
In the last few weeks, it became a bit silent in our blog. Well, the reason was that we needed to finish some features for our presentation at Devmania 2010, where we showed Diccuric and a some slides about our game. The organisation team recorded all presentation on video, which will be available for download soon, if you like to see our presentation (German only). This meeting also offered an overnight contest, in which I took place with the guys from Schattenkind. This year, we created "28 Brainz Later", which is available for download on the official homepage.
What's next in our schedule? We plan to release our techdemo this year. Why is the announcement in our dev-blog only? Actually we are not sure if we will be able to fullfil this deadline. But we decided, that we need a deadline to finally do a feature freeze and start polishing our current version :) Sun 15 Aug 2010
Since my last entry, we fixed the mentioned graphics bugs. Therefore, we try to add some more live to the demo and magic. But please do not expect to much for now, we just started the implementation of our magic system.
If you are using Linux, I will have a good news for you: I finally use again a computer with 3D acceleration, which allows me to fix the Linux support again. Fri 16 Jul 2010
Today, there is not only a news entry, but also a blog entry! Well, we are currently working on finishing a small demo, which we would like to release. Most aspects are done but pollishing. Since the demo takes place on a ship - you didn't expect that after all that screenshots of the ship, didn't you? -, one of the main tasks is to fix the ship. This is for example because our hero has changed a bit in the last time and some of the passages are too small now.
Currently, I am also thinking about the content of a short trailer. I want to show you some animated things of our game. At the moment, this is limited to persons, who meet one of our team members in real-life... |