Here, you will always find a list, where we are looking
for new members. Even if you want to join in a section,
which is not listed, feel free to write us.
Please be aware, that you have some samples avaiables, so that we can have a look at them. Please be aware, that we cannot train beginners. Sorry for that. On the basis of your samples, we will decide, if there is a chance that you can join our team. In this case, we will give you a sample task, so that we can see, if your work suits to our project. Do not worry, we will support you during those tasks. Our development language is German, so make sure, that you can read and write German. Our whole documenation is currently German only! If you are interested, please contact Moe (ICQ: 45085729). Then, we will talk about the details.
Be aware, that we are a team of hobbiest, so do not expect any payment. It is not necessary, that you fullfill all requirements to join us. We look forward to hear from you! |