1. I entered the Grotto (new area has loading -> probably meant to be Minecrawer Nest, but anyway i cleared it and now I want to go back but the problem is the entrance is almost vertical and when you enter you immeadiately slide down , Ive tried going up with Bloodfly transformation I get at the top and transform back but I can't seem to manage to exit the area any help will be apreciated

2. I read somewhere that there is a merchant in the castle could you point me to how to open his stock (I'll find who he is eventually

3. I wanted to be a mage .... a realy big mistake from my part I roamed the entire map searching for amulets still to find only 4 or 5 and already reached lvl 20 + slaughtered countless numbers of woodlang creatures

4. Also you probably should add a few extra lines in the mercenary's speech in the begining about the trainer in the fortress I forgot his name (Cor Angar Skin) cause the first time I saw him at night in the market squire and when I asked will he train me he said "Ok but not here" naturally I waited for the morning went and found him training in the tower talked to him again and he didn't offer training -> now later on I understood by reading posts in the forum that he trains only at noon but I was so panicked the first times that i had to start a new game 3 or 4 times cause I thought he got bugged and wouldn't offer me training anymore.(the Idea of offering Training in certain times only is cool but the lack of information makes it frightening to beginers) The same with Narrow when I made the rounds in the fortress I realized he should be the one teaching one handed but when I ask where he is the answer was "He's hunting" -> but where was not answered at all so I ended up runing around with unspent points a very long time
5.Running around the map I noticed that there are Faaaaaaaaaar too many plants growing around and with my unexcusable habit to pick everything up I ended up spending half my playing time picking up herbs from the ground (honestly I'm amazed my character didn't start complaining that his back hurts

6. BTW I liked the new mage wardrobe selection but for the sake of hardcore magic fans would you consider offering the standart magic robes as well (I'm kind of attached to them

7. As i read before I must agree It's a realy good Idea for merchants to refill Items for sale Like Arrows and Bolts, cause they just ain't enough if you're trying to be a hunter.
8. I read this somewhere too. There really should be more Armed enemies who carry decen't (not too strong) weapons and may be some food , coins and misc stuff, the way it is now if you can't gutt animals you're on your way to sure poorness. And by doing this you can probably decrease the number of plants (you probably use a spawn script for them right? the number should definately be decreased) more lab flasks would be nice too , yea i know they sell pots but homecooked's best you know

9. Also is there a "Dream Call" swamp stalk in the mod ? I found Green Novice and Northen Dark but I didn't see Dream Call
10. I read before someone asking "Can I report about the scout" who's found dead in the forest near the lake and the answer was it's possible and it has to do something with Taliasan , well I have everything from the scout in my inventory and I'm Doing Taliasan's tasks but I haven't gotten any intrest from anyone about the scout yet, does it require some special event and if yes could give a tip, not a spoiler.
Well this is it for now ....It got really long ....